
Monday, March 24, 2014

In memorium Webster Oliver White

Webster Oliver White

He was an adorable fur kid.  He always was there for me and his favorite (his poopah).  He was in charge of our 3 other fur kids.  He had a stern look because heavy is the mantle of rule.  But truth...he was the kindest, friendliest soul.  He fought a hard fight but could not stay.  Goodbye my love.  I will miss you terribly.  We will miss you.

Monday, March 17, 2014

My fur kids

My fur kids
They are patient and loving.  They are my quilting partners.  Always with me.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Pieced Hexagons - continuing with pinks and orange

Diamonds Cut and Stacked
I cut and prepared my pink and orange blocks today.  I like chain piecing these blocks.  I find it goes faster (or seems to). I was busy doing this and that this morning so didn't start till mid afternoon.  I managed to finish piecing all my pink blocks and put them on the design wall.

Chain pieced (by hand) dark and medium

Light pieced to medium and dark.  Finger pressed

Design Wall

I've started on the next color way - orange.  All of these pieces are from my stash so I get to use only what I have.  Here is the orange chosen.  Tomorrow I'll finish this color way and move on to another..what will it be?

Piecing the Orange Hexegons

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Pieced hexagons

On my design wall.
I've now added reds and creams to my pieced hexagons.  Progress is up on design wall.  More color ways to come.  Fabrics are all from my stash.  Very happy with Inklingo.  Allows for easy hand piecing.  Did my piecing as I waited out the storm.  We got another 7" plus today and at level 3.   That means no one could go on the roads except for emergency.  So sat in front of the fire and quietly hand pieced my Hexies while watching reruns of the Artful Detective (Murdock Mystery Series).  I love that show.

For my blocks, I choose a color way from my stash, pull a light, medium, and dark; then print it out wth Inklingo.  I'm fitting 9 each for a page of printing.. So three pages.  When I finish a color way, I go to my stash and choose another.  This randomness in selection keeps it interesting.  Maybe pinks next...we'll see.

Some of my stash

More Stash

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Working on Hexagons

Baby Blocks
Taking a break from hand quilting for a bit.  I'm making Baby Blocks using Inklingo 2 inch 60 degree  diamonds.  I've made 9 each of green, blue, and mauve.  More to come.